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The single machine


In the 1960s, when the paperboard production industry was still in the stage of manual work, the single-sided machine had been used. At that time, the single-sided machine was characterized by the inclined roller arrangement, with the pressure roller at the top. This arrangement stems from the use of “guide claws”. In the process of gluing, the guide paw helps the formed corrugated core paper close to the middle roll (upper corrugated roll), and the inclined roller arrangement is designed to facilitate the operator’s access to the guide paw and roll located above the gluing tray, so that the height of the whole bridge is kept at a relatively low level, which is convenient for manual paper feeding in the wet part. By the 1980s, most of the enterprises began to use vertical arrangement of the roller design of the single-sided machine, most of which put the pressure roller at the top.

Due to the high energy consumption of the single-sided machine, low technical threshold, single-sided machine is only a supplement to the corrugated production line – in some small specifications, low grade, domestic carton processing and production supporting the use of single-sided machine.

In the future, with the gradual promotion of green printing, the single-sided machine with low energy and high consumption will exit the stage of history

1. Smoking and open flame are strictly prohibited in the workshop. Night shift personnel are strictly prohibited from lighting mosquito coil incense. It is strictly prohibited to dry clothes, objects or keep warm in order to avoid fire.

2. The bare part of the electric conductor should not be touched by human body. The control cabinet and electric cabinet should not be opened at will to avoid electric shock accident.

3, often clean the dust on the electrical components, and strictly abide by the principle of cleaning and maintenance after turning off the power supply, to prevent a variety of safety hazards caused by short circuit caused by dust.

4, each machine operator is prohibited to wear gloves, do not hand close to the roller and corrugated roller, if there is paper rolled into the roller or corrugated roller should be taken out after shutdown.

5, in working hours, operators should be tight hair and clothes, in order to prevent the operation of the machine hooked safety accidents.

6, single machine operators on the work time to focus, not allowed to wander, not allowed to work while talking to others, more not allowed to play. Do not leave the post without permission, do not turn on other people’s machine without permission.

7, in the process of operation, the machine fault should be immediately shut down, not with disease operation.

8, each machine table is not allowed to put cups, food and other non-work-related sundries.

9. After the work is finished, the slurry tray and slurry roller must be cleaned to prevent corrosion. When cleaning, the sizing mechanism should be moved back before starting the slurry transporting motor for cleaning.

10. The staff should clean the fuselage after work, clean around the machine, fill the machine with oil at a fixed point, and stop the machine when wiping with a cloth. When leaving, turn off the power supply of lights, fans and electric motors.

Post time: Aug-11-2021