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The industry’s most complete corrugated board production line operation

This regulation stipulates the safe operation and maintenance of each part of the paperboard line, so as to maintain the normal operation of the equipment, achieve the purpose of improving efficiency, reducing consumption and ensuring the quality of products. This specification applies to the operation of corrugated board production line. (Refer to this regulation for 1.8-meter line)
Check work when taking over shift
1.1 The succession personnel should arrive at the post 15 minutes in advance and accept the monitor’s arrangement of the day’s work and other matters needing attention.
1.2 Shift shifting personnel should ask the successor about the production situation of the last shift in detail; Operation of equipment; The status of products being processed and to be processed and the problems that need attention and solution on duty.
1.3 The succession personnel shall check the work handover content in detail. Equipment condition; Whether the cleanliness, hygiene, lubrication and maintenance of the work site and equipment are true.
1.4 After both parties confirm that there is no mistake, the handover work shall be completed by filling in written handover records.
2 Preparations
2.1 After the shift is confirmed, the production plan (production notice) shall be reasonably arranged to each production shift group according to the production plan (production notice) and production shift arrangement issued by the planning and adjustment center.
2.2 The production line technologist shall, according to the arrangement of the production supervisor and the paper distribution requirements of the production notice, issue the material requisition one time cycle in advance according to the paper distribution required by the production quantity. After the requisition is approved by the monitor, the production material shall be collected from the warehouse; Confirm the paper width, gram weight, color, etc. of the production materials according to the requirements of the production notice.
2.3 The host hand should check the equipment again, switch on the power supply of the host, let the equipment run in empty to observe whether the equipment runs well and smoothly, check whether the parts are loose, whether there is any abnormal situation, etc., if there is, it should immediately report to the section and notify the machine and electrical repairman for inspection and maintenance; Remove the water from the central gas supply device and the filtration device.
2.4 Glue making personnel shall prepare the adhesive according to the production notice and make relevant records.
3 Production operations
3.1 According to the process requirements of the current order, push the corresponding single and double sided machine paper to the feeding car and send it to the working point.
3.2 Loosen the pressure on the base paper holder, press the button to adjust the height of the base paper holder up and down to a proper height, press the button to clamp the base paper, and pay attention to the center line requirements of tile paper and other papers. Note that the center line of the paper roll and the center line of the equipment should coincide as far as possible.
3.3 The tile paper and surface paper will bypass the preheating cylinder, pass through the corrugated roller and attach to the lining paper and send it to the flyover. The surface paper will pass through the double-sided machine and the tile and the flat down the flyover after gluing and attach to the baking road. Note: after the base paper passes through, press immediately, adjust the paper tension, the amount of glue, the wrap Angle, etc., to make it meet the production requirements.
3.4 According to the production instructions of the production monitor, check the longitudinal and transverse cutting machine length whether all parts of the equipment are running normally. Start the corresponding working motor of the longitudinal and transverse cutting machine and start the machine. Input the product specifications and sizes into the computer according to the requirements of the work order, and repeatedly confirm whether the input parameters are correct. After the product is produced, check whether the specifications of the finished product are consistent with the work order, and pay attention to whether the product has rough edges and cracked edges.
3.5 Code board personnel shall connect paper and code board at the end of the conveyor belt, and pay attention to pick out unqualified products, and pay attention not to damage the four corners of the cardboard, and identify the defective products separately, and notify relevant personnel to dispose of them.
3.6 When the production is finished (or the equipment or quality problems), the boiler room shall be notified of the shutdown time 30 minutes in advance, and the steam supply shall be stopped 5 minutes before the shutdown. Return the cots to the non-working position. Remove pressure from work rolls. To slow down a machine. When the temperature of each work roll is lower than 80 degrees, it can be stopped.
3.7 During the operation, the operator must judge whether the equipment has great vibration, whether the parts are loose, and whether there is abnormal sound and odor during operation at any time by senses, so as to judge whether the equipment runs normally. If any abnormal situation is found, immediately stop the machine and report to the monitor and promptly notify the mechanic and electrical repairman for inspection and maintenance.
3.8 First Test: When confirmed by the production line preliminary qualified products (generally no more than 20 meters), monitor organization long corrugated machine, double sided gluing machine machine head, cardboard line engineer in the preliminary confirmation of qualified products randomly 3, the appearance, size, surface, color paper, adhesive, water cut, etc. To confirm, after waiting for the above content inspection requirements, notice to normal production; If the product does not meet the requirements, the monitor shall give instructions to stop the machine to find out the reasons for the nonconformity and solve the problem. When the causes of the nonconformity are eliminated, the first inspection shall be conducted again and the normal production shall be carried out. (The indicators of the items to be inspected are carried out in accordance with the “Corrugated Board Enterprise Standard”).
3.9 All finished cardboard products (including waste and defective products) must be stacked on wooden pallets, and the stacking height should be 2 meters (including the height of pallets), and the stacking must be neat and beautiful, without deflection or even collapse.
3.10 On Duty Where a lot is found to require remediation during production, the remediation must be completed at the end of the lot to ensure that it can be transferred to the next process.
3.11 process control: when production into the normal production, monitor the production of products to arrange personnel to timing, and timing of sampling observation, when found unqualified products, will be the last time sampling qualified to the sampling the unqualified products of this period of time in isolation, promptly eliminate the causes of unqualified at the same time, to ensure that continue to produce qualified products; Select the isolated products, select the unqualified products, and package the qualified products for inspection.
3.12 Product packing and inspection: According to the qualified products produced, the leader of the packing class organizes the packing personnel to pack and send the products for inspection according to the product requirements; In the packing process, the unqualified products should be separated from the qualified ones and handed over to the production team for rework or scrap. The packaged products will be put into storage after being checked and signed and qualified. When put into storage, they will be placed together with the same specifications, customers and in the same direction according to the place designated by the storekeeper.
3.13 Rework of products: If the products fail to pass the inspection, the production team shall rework the products after work until they pass the inspection and bear the losses (material loss and packaging cost loss) caused by the rework; If the unqualified products are reworked during working hours, the production team shall bear all the losses caused by the rework (material loss, packaging cost loss, production team shutdown loss).
3.14 Handling of nonconforming products: The nonconforming products produced by each shift production group on duty shall be recorded and weighed after the nonconforming products are submitted for inspection and confirmation. After weighing, the quality inspector shall account on the waste weight sheet and submit it to the packaging team leader for signature and confirmation. Submit the nonconforming product record of the whole month to finance department on 26th of each month. For unqualified products found during operation due to quality problems of base paper, they must be collected by the material manufacturer and submitted to the quality control department for unified treatment.
3.15 Production of accessories: According to the production plan requirements of the planning and adjustment center, all materials used in the production of accessories (except newly made cardboard or paper) shall be collected from unqualified product store. Record the area of requisition and fill in the total area of accessories for production in the production notice (attachment), and submit it to the cost auditor of the Financial Department for accounting.
3.16 Production of modified board: According to the production plan requirements of the planning and adjustment center, all materials used for production of modified board shall be collected from unqualified product warehouse. Record the area of requisition and fill in the total area of production accessories in the production notice (modified board). When the production of the accessories is completed, send them to the cost auditor of the Financial Department for accounting. Critical control points: production material utilization.
3.17 During the production process, the production site must be kept clean at any time, and the residual materials should be cleaned immediately. After the batch is completed, the daily production report should be filled in immediately.
3.18 Production completion The daily report shall be filled in in detail, orderly, standard, free from stains and alterations, and the integrity of the record shall be maintained. It shall not be damaged or damaged at will. Job record data must be authentic, detailed and traceable.
3.19 Each shift must tidy up the site and clean the lubrication equipment before leaving the shift to ensure that the machine will be handed over to the next shift on time. For non-stop shift handover, it should be noted in the shift handover record.
4 the use of hydraulic shaftless paper holder
4.1 Purpose and scope of application
This machine is one of the main equipment for producing cardboard with corrugated board line. It is used to support the web paper for producing corrugated board, so that the paper can be sent to the next process smoothly and achieve the purpose of producing corrugated board with high efficiency.

Post time: Jul-30-2021